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Creating a Web Site

You really only need notepad or some other text editor and an FTP client to build your web site- if you know how to write code. What if you don't? You still can produce a professional website without knowing any programming or scripting language.  Many web hosting companies have wysiwyg, (what you see is what you get,) programs that you ca use to build your affiliate site. There are also commercial applications such as FrontPage or Dreamer Weaver. The product we recommend for novice web designers is Artisteer Web Design Generator . Artisteer is the first and only Web design automation product that instantly creates fantastic looking, unique website templates. wordpress themes

Artisteer - The Automated Web Designer

wordpress themes Design awesome WordPress Blogs, professional Joomla! and Drupal templates, and cool Website designs in Minutes
wordpress themes Easy to Use
wordpress themes No need to learn Photoshop, CSS, HTML or other technologies
wordpress themes Export as Wordpress Theme or CMS Template

With Artisteer YOU immediately become a Web design expert, editing and slicing graphics, coding XHTML and CSS, and creating Web Design Templates, Joomla templates, Drupal themes, Wordpress themes, and DotNetNuke skins - all in minutes, without Photoshop or Dreamweaver, and no technical skills.
wordpress themes Artisteer was named Product of the Year by The Red Ferret Journal.

Top 10 reasons to use Artisteer

  1. You can generate cool Web design ideas.
  2. Adjust generated designs to create great looking Web and Blog templates.
  3. Create perfectly correct, validated HTML and CSS that conform to Web standards.
  4. You don't need to learn Photoshop, CSS, HTML, php and other Web technologies to create great looking designs, including images and buttons.
  5. If you are a Web designer, generate ideas, prototypes and quick Websites for your clients and friends.
  6. Choose and use many included design elements, from backgrounds to photo objects and buttons.
  7. Automatically solve problems with image aliasing, Web browser compatibility and other details requiring time and knowledge.
  8. Learn how to create professional HTML and CSS code.
  9. Save money on Web design templates and Wordpress Themes .
  10. If you don't have the time, hire your kids to create great looking web design for you.

User Testimonials

I really have to applaud you for creating such a wonderful product. My hat off to you. Your product has to rank as one of the best pieces of software I have ever purchased. I used to develop websites using code in .Net, but now I use Joomla and Artisteer. This has increased my productivity ten fold. Keep up the good work.
Pierre Cilliers -

I just wanted to tell you how thrilled I am about the new upgrade. Artisteer was great before the upgrade and now it's fantastic. I am so excited about this I can barely contain myself. I am a web designer/graphic designer using primarily Wordpress and Artisteer takes hours off of my projects. I am also very excited about Joomla and Drupal being added to the upgrade. Fantastic!
This program is one of the most useful programs I have ever used. Artisteer makes creating website a snap.
Mona Weathers -

Buying Artisteer is the best business investment I've made yet. I cannot tell you how many hours I've saved myself in trying to modify other people's templates. I have been easily and quickly able to make custom templates for my clients based on their specifications for color and overall look & functionality. Do you realize how pleased clients are when you can make their site look exactly as they envision? Artisteer has taken my business up a very big notch, and I really thank you for that. If I had to buy it again knowing what I know now about how it functions, I'd gladly pay several times over what I paid for it in the first place. Amazing, amazing, amazing.
Kerry Crawford -

Artisteer is a huge hit! It saves exceptional amounts of time editing css files, practically replaces Photoshop and is integral to implenting rapid development. One word... WOW!
Ken Knorr - CEO / President

We actually Love it, we did a test and was shocked how easily we could design, As we usually use photo shop! Artisteer is A++ Were keeping it as a necessity for our company.
Rank On top, Inc. -

This software has revolutionized the way I build Joomla sites. The cost for the software is less than what I had paid previously for a one year template memebership. The templates load fast, are easy to build and they can be designed to make almost any desired look and feel. A template (with or without a Flash header) can be made in less than an hour to be exactly what a client needs, rather than advising a client to select a commercial template that would probably lack exact styling. Great work...and definitely a worthwhile investment for designing and developing Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal or DotNetNuke sites on a regular basis.
Kent, Bohemia Website Services Ltd -

I built a visually stunning Wordpress site for my father in only 20 minutes. This is by far the most valuable software I have purchased in the last ten years - worth every penny.
Andrew F - TriLogic Industries, LLC
Artisteer is a MAJOR Time Saver. You don't have to spend countless hours learning html and CSS! Thanks to Artisteer, you can have Fantastic looking sites or blogs and skip the hard work! Whether you are a do-it-yourself website owner or web designer, Artisteer is the answer to making fantastic looking sites FAST and EASY! It's great, and I highly recommend it.
Brent Folger - PPC Management of AbsolutelyDominate

I've been using this software for less than 24 hours and already it's the best thing I've seen in years. Thanks for a great product. I look forward to watching this software evolve.
- Submitted via Artisteer user feedback form

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